For those who enjoy the NEET lifestyle, what makes you happy or gives your life meaning?

Learning things, books, music, movies, games, visual art, animes, all the usual NEET things but maybe I liked learning about random stuff I was interested in more as a kid maybe than most people do instead of socializing. I never really felt loneliness like some apparently do. I don't really care about the stigma I guess. I think a lot of people hate it because they wish they could do it and not everyone is able to. I see how some people find it depressing to live like this, but I think it comes down to how you think about it and your particular personality.

A guy I used to know would talk about that cocaine purity test in blow as a metaphor for "getting in where you fit in" or whatever. If you melt at a low temp maybe you should try doing something else, everyones not made for the same things. I melt when I try to fit into the world. One person's paradise is another person's hell. In cases of isolation like this, I think a major part of it is how good you are at keeping your mind stimulated and how you react to other peoples' expectations of you. Worrying about money has been a big problem for me in the past, but I just kind of stopped caring because I tried to fix it many times, and like I said that's where I melt.

/r/NEET Thread