For those who grew up poor, what did you consider a luxury?

Coca cola. I grew up in Spain in the 60's. My first coca cola was when I was 12. My father took me to a bar and bought me one before he kicked me out of the home because they could not afford feeding me anymore. The last thing he did was slap me in the face in that bar in front of everyone and yell at me because I was drinking it very fast. I drank that thing real fast because I never had one and it was a childhood dream, and I was used to have to give my food and drink to my younger siblings, so I would eat as fast as possible until my mom or dad stopped me and made me get my food out of my plate to give it to them.

I have not spoken to them in a long time, decades and more. I haven't had a coca cola in 25 years. the smell of it makes me sick.

/r/AskReddit Thread