For those who let their tulpa's develop themselves, advice needed

I've been working with my tulpas for over a year now and we're still at the head pressure stage.

It's only recently that I really feel I know who they are better. For a long time I didn't really feel I knew them well. I've been making an effort to get to know them though. I just had to learn to ask the right questions.

Be sure to pay attention to things they like, ask their opinions on things (Do you like this - yes/no/have no opinion), lean on them for support during tough times (I've recently realized my two tulpas handle my issues in much different ways. Kasey tends to forgive, forget, and comfort when she can. I think she feels bad for me. Fall pushes me to be better and even gave me the silent treatment once when I was being irresponsible.)

I really think it's been having them here for me in this really rough time I've been going through lately that's helped me get a feel for who they are. Feeling their emotional support, seeing them upset when I do something I shouldn't, discussing my problems and getting their opinions on them, it's given me a pretty good feel for what they're like. It's even easier for me to see how different they are now that I'm getting to know both of them and seeing their different personalities side by side (I don't recommend making a second tulpa just for that though obviously haha).

It takes a lot of time, at least in my personal experience, and with limited communication it's kind of hard at times but totally worth it.

I don't think it's ever too late to do anything in tulpamancy if you feel you haven't worked hard enough on something. You just have to buckle down and start working on it.

/r/Tulpas Thread