For those who went No Contact, how did you do it and did you let them know?

First time I tried NC with parent, I did a letter/conversation. That ended up giving them ammunition for all the manipulation, flying monkeys & Fear/Obligation/Guilt (FOG). My dad got very ill & I ended up breaking NC. Huge mistake.

Second & final time, I just blocked their emails/phone numbers. They still tried all the FOG, emotional blackmail, triangulation through family. I ended up having to go NC with most of them.

Both times it was a matter of wanting to do it but not having the courage. Each time it was an event that made me see that I had to choose going NC to have a chance at life. It was the straw that broke the broken camel's back, again.

First time took planning to move out of the house, get some money together, etc. The second time I had been moved out for a while so going spur of the moment was more possible.

It was so hard but in hindsight it was the only way to get away. They just have to pull us back in. It felt weird to assert myself and put myself first. Even many years later I struggle with that.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread