For those with religious delusions, how has this affected your faith?

Pre-diagnosis and my first psychosis, I had never believed in god. Once the psychosis got full effect I beliived god was commmunicating to me, and then I soon after went to Hell and saw the devil. For a while I didn't think much of god however I would often wake up very early in the morning and telepathically communicate with the devil or something like it.

That went away over time and with the addition of a new medication. But I recently had another psychosis and there it was again, communicating with god, specifically about how I'm not worthy of their time or attention and all this other degrading stuff to my self esteem and beliefs about myself. That's faded again and I guess I just keep it in my thoughts as a possibility, but I'm not practising any religion, just doing little rituals here and there and keeping a conscious mind of what I experienced.

/r/schizophrenia Thread