For those of you without knowledge of theory, how exactly do you come up with chord progressions and melodies?

by ear. also depends on the instrument im working on. by all means, i just have a LOOOT of reference material floating on my head. i have listened the source/reference material for years on end so i have a lot of nice applications in my head. nice arpeggio, very specific kind of modulation and whatnot.

piano? usually i have a fair idea of what i NEED to hear. arpeggio going up or down or both. one handed melody ? very special kind of dynamics? it all begins with trying to figure out a bass passage. or the leading melody. a coherent set of notes that tickle my idea. then its just a matter of spicing it up.

the way lack of theory shows up is that i cant really be fancy AF like a proper, real pianist would. my fingers are just used to the keybed and i absolutely can replicate whatevers floating on my head or what i hear.

its just minimalistic af.

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