Forget the US Marshals, I'm calling on Jesus!

Well I am Gnate. I’m ten pebbles tall and live with my five brothers. Brothers names are Gnome1, Gnome2, Gnome3, Gnome5, and Gnarl. There used to be a Gnome4 but after one Light says Goodbye he disappeared. I think Gnome3, who is fattest Gnome around, ate him. (I am staying away from Gnome3.)

We live in dark place with ceiling and many pebbles. At top of ceiling is a small space where Light comes to say Hello. It is very high. Maybe even 100 pebbles (or more) high. I have tried many time to reach it because I am best climber. But I am small and weak and cannot reach.

Once (probably at least seven Light says Hellos ago) there were Gnome6 through Gnome72, but we ate them all. After that we were very hungry and were about to eat each other when Gnarl discovered Fishing. He is very smart. There is small stream nearby and he grabbed Gnome1 (who is smallest Gnome) but instead of eat Gnome1 he dunk Gnome1 into stream and pull him out and there were fishes attach to his leg. So Gnarl take what he call Fish-bashing pebble and bash fish. Like I said, very smart guy. Now we all fish with Gnome1 and then bash bash bash.

Gnarl says we have been alive for at least ten Light comes to say Hello. Wow, I say, this is long time, you have good memory. He say there use to be Gnom and Gnad and he think they went up and out through small space at top of Cave where Light comes to say Hello. Gnome3 disagrees. Says we have no Gnom and Gnad, that we sprout up from the ground like small things he finds in corner of cave where Light does not say Hello. What small things? we say. Nevermind he says. Gnarl gives him suspicious look.

Gnome5 has disappeared. I notice it when Light says Hello. He was nowhere. I think Gnome3 ate him. I share my suspicion with Gnarl. He says nothing. Only looks over at Gnome3 who is busy in corner smashing a pebble against something.

Well there is no more Fishing now. Fish don’t seem to like Gnome1 legs anymore. We tried Gnome1 headfirst but no luck, except he lost eyes. Was good try. Even try Gnome2 legs (he refuse to go headfirst).

We are hungry again. Gnome1 and Gnome2 have started eating pebbles. We told them not to but they are stupid. Gnome3 is meanwhile getting fatter in his corner.

Gnarl has theory on Gnom and Gnad. He thinks they left through small space at top by stacking pebbles. So now Gnarl and I stack pebbles. Gnome1 and Gnome2 also help and Gnarl has even convinced them to not eat pebbles (they still do when he is not looking). Well we stack all pebbles and I stand on top and try to reach small space. Still too high. Ok, next, Gnome1 and Gnome2 and Gnarl climb onto pebble pile and they stand on each other shoulder and I stand on them, but still, small space is a little too high.

Now I have a plan. I tell Gnarl. He agrees. All four of us head to corner where Gnome3 is munching on something. We need you Gnome3 says Gnarl. Nhrgahrg says Gnome3. He is more pebbles wide than tall now. He reaches out to Gnarl, tries to shove Gnarl into mouth. No, I shout, and together Gnome1 and Gnome2 and I take our Fish-bashing pebbles and bash Gnome3 until he is dead.

Gnarl has a few bite marks on head but is mostly alright. Now we drag corpse of Gnome3 to top of pebble pile. Then we stand on top of his fatness and this time I reach hole where light says Hello.

Hello Light I say.

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