The Forkbomb Problem is a Power Vacuum -- Need for a Hierarchy?

One detail to keep in mind is, it's fun and potentially fruitful to think of the tiles like people, but ultimately they are much much less intelligent that a human.

Very true, and I may have been blurring the line a little. I was, however, imagining a future where humans had access to avast T2-like network of machinery, and the power structures (or lack thereof) allowed a person to send a signal to any other person's data. It would be anarchic because the symmetrical structure of MFM would allow their signal (possibly a malicious one) to have equal power over that data as the data's original creator would have. Think targeted forkbomb from a distance. Easy problem to prevent if you have permissions and user privileges, which were designed for the current, deterministic, separated machines.

And it's somewhat similar to preventing a crime in a no-holds-barred political anarchy. I suspect the comparison will remain apt, at least until there's effort made to address anarchy's basic issues.

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