Form 5 Pendidikan Islam - on rasional hukuman bunuh terhadap murtad (post by Siti Kasim)

as a former muslim malay, i can concur that this isnt something new. a lot of people in the facebook comments are talking as if this is news to them. guys, this has been going on since i was TWELVE. and that was twelve years ago. the shit they teach young impressionable malay kids is that indians and chinese are kafirs and will burn in hell and apostates should be killed. this is one of the main reasons why i no longer identify as muslim. i dont know why anyone needs anymore reason to leave the religion. this is terrorism. and the SJWs in the US are trying to brush islamophobia like its irrational and unfounded and it will only allow the ideology to spread and fester. i just hope im long dead before malaysia becomes islamised on a nationwide basis.

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