Form check me, please!

Seconding what everyone else has said - definitely lower the pins on the squat rack, they were way too high for you and borderline dangerous.

Squat - I would play around with what bar position (high bar, low bar, hybrid) feels best to you, as well as foot position. Try putting 5lb plates under your heels and narrowing your stance. Your heels lift a bit, so working on ankle mobility and really sitting back into the squat will be good. Also, your knees blow way past your toes, so again, work on sitting back and play around with different stances and bar positions. Overall, it is really good, you just want to find the positioning that is most comfortable for you going forward with higher weights.

Deadlift - at least for conventional deadlifts like you're doing, spinal erectors and hamstrings are primary movers, and glutes are heavily involved as well. That means you really have to hit the hip hinge motion, and right now you're squatting the bar up a bit before hinging. You seem to want to slowly lower (which is a good tempo exercise once you've got the form right, but until you do, I would avoid this), which is messing up your form on the way up. Don't be afraid to hip hinge and to lower quickly with a hinge instead of squatting it down. See if your gym has bumper plates so you don't make as much noise if that's what you're hesitant about (I know I definitely don't like to make much noise in the gym, but you're there and have every right to exercise and noise comes with that!). I also can't tell how much tension you're putting into your back. You want to pull the slack out of the bar, if that makes sense, and pull on it like you're trying to bend it around your legs. Really engage your lats and pull your shoulder blades down.

If your natural inclination is to squat it up, you might want to try sumo deadlifts, since they have more similar primary movers to squats. Sumos also break the motion up a bit more into discrete segments (straighten legs then lock out hinge hips once bar hits knees), which you seem inclined to do. Usually people like one or the other better, so doesn't hurt to try.

/r/xxfitness Thread