Former Christians of reddit . What made you lose your faith?

A series of events in 2017, last year of highschool. First, my 16th birthday was coming, and I was really excited about it because I was going to the zoo with my best friends. I was excited because I love the zoo, and because it was one of the few times my parents allowed me to go out by myself. Turns out I had to cancelled everything because my grandmother died one day before my birthday. And my parents didn't allowed me to make a little celebration, and I needed a little happiness. I had big plans, and it all went downhill in a moment.

I was very depressed about it. Then one of the priests at school made me cry because I was gay. Me made me felt bad about my feelings, and I hated myself.

But the final thing that made me lose my faith was when it came down to me choosing a career to follow and study after graduation. I wanted to study graphic design, but my parents didn't allowed me. They made me apply for an accounting thing, and I hated it. It made deeply depressed, and I didn't allowed me to enjoy my last year of highschool. I was so depressed that I didn't participate in a play of Les Mis my friends were coordinating even though I wanted to be part of it. That year just sucked.

I was angry at god. I was angry that all of that happened to me even though I was trying my best to be good. So one day, I just decided to stop believing in him, in religion, in everything they taught me. Because it was for nothing, there was no reward. There was no prize for being good.

Years have passed and I could not be more happy about that decision. My life has been so much better, and I got to accept who I am. I don't give a fuck to be bad, or make mistakes. Being an atheist, I get to live so much better.

/r/AskReddit Thread