Former Congressman John Dingell: "Trump still hasn't appointed an FBI Director, the DOJ is in shambles, and he spent the entire weekend golfing. But please, lecture London."

I am beginning to believe trump supporters who look at sarcasm on the internet saying something positive about trump, really take it as a supporter and not sarcasm. These morons are the ones who think, "hey someone else thinks like me!" , only because they are to dumb to realize that its sarcasm. Slowly more and more retarded and mentally ill people gather up like dust on a tv while the rest of us laugh and think that there is no way these small dust specs of retarded filth can actually outnumber us. But instead slowly do and eventually elect this one loud mouthed spec of dust to the presidency. Meanwhile we are still laughing thinking most people with a brain outnumber idiots with no brains, we are wrong. The sheer amount of retarded individuals have multiplied like retarded braindead rabbits who only know , money and sex. The 12 babies they and their family make outnumber the 2 a smart family makes and this has been going on since, "only the strong survive" has stopped being the norm. Now its the era of who can make the most retarded people believe something so it looks like the ones with money can justify what they are doing. Uhhh i got off track have a nice day. Peace.

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