Former/Current Military personnel of reddit, what is the most horrifying thing you saw out in the field?

I served for 1 year, but it's conscription so I do not consider myself to be of the same level as ones that served voluntarily.

I served in a 120mm mortar platoon in the army, during a night time live firing exercise, I got the worst scare in my entire life: a dud round, and then followed immediately by a misfired round by another mortar.

Granted, these rounds were illumination rounds, not explosive ones, but I still got a scared, particularly as I was the one that's responsible for ejecting the dud round afterwards.

The misfire round was a result of the propellant satchels falling off the round before it was fired, but it happened in the round immediately after our dud. We were firing in sequence as in 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4. I was the 3rd mortar.

No one was hurt and everything else was normal the following morning, but seriously, I don't think I was ever that scared of anything.

/r/AskReddit Thread