Former gamers of reddit, what was the reason you stopped playing video games altogether, or a lot less frequently?

I was a bigtime gamer back in the day and eventually I did get my dream job of working as a programmer for a small game company. I think we did some pretty cool games and had a really interesting culture; I even read this article about how the company still has this legacy and how "ahead of our time" we were. That was really cool and gratifying to see.

And we were all way into gaming (we called it being "twinkies", but I forget the exact reason for that nickname). But gradually I found that more and more games started to feel same-ish to me; I picked up games and looked and tech and stuff, but none of it really felt compelling to me.

Funny, at our company the demos that go tons of interest weren't the game demos, but a buddy of mine randomly created a jello cube model that you could toss around and an elementary wireframe biped model that you could shove around.

I still try to play games especially when I hear how good they are, but I end up putting in about 5-10 hours of play before losing interest. latest ones were Red Dead 2 and Resident Evil remake. They are certainly very cool and nice and I appreciate what they've done, but did not really hook me.

I think the last ones that I played all the way thru were Portal 2 and Braid. Bioshock and Deadspace I played thru b/c they were spiritual successors to System Shock and I felt I owed it to them (also really loved them).

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