Why do former gifted students commonly end up messed up as they get older?

I’m not sure if I was gifted, but I never really did bad in school, I was put into the smarter classes in junior high and then freshman year in high school I was out in Honors classes. I graduated in a A&B grade club (means average of A&Bs through all 4 years).

My problem was peer pressure and wanting to fit in. I was aware I was sort of the weird kid, and when I had the chance to be friends with people and do what they were doing like smoking pot etc I just joined in, as I never had friends I hung with outside of school.

I eventually started doing worse drugs than pot and at one point I realized I wasn’t alone. There was this girl who was really smart I seen at a session, I’m not sure if she was still in school or just got out but I was a few years out of school at that point. Anyway, hearing her say she just smoked pot all the time and she was way smarter than me, I could tell. I’m not sure if she felt pressured to do drugs or not but I felt for her.

TL;DR smart kids and drugs/peer pressure are more common than you think

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread