Former Marine squares up with Black Lives Matter

It doesn't always lead to an unarmed killing, but being profiled/needlessly pulled over/etc always happens and

I agree to an extent, but it's not necessarily that black and white.

there's a terror that comes with it that you might got shot.

And there's a terror that I might get in my car today and get in an accident - doesn't always mean that fear is justified. How many African Americans are pulled over in a year, within this country? And how many of them end up getting shot?

That does affect every black person in the U.S. and I would say it affects all of us to live in a country where people are treated unequally like this.

Well yeah, but that's part of life man. I'm not going to be treated equal to an NFL player or NASA scientist, but I live with it.

You must also realize that every African American getting pulled over isn't simply getting pulled over on the basis of racial profiling. I.E. If I were to drive down to Camden right now in my relatively-nice car, I would probably be just as likely to be pulled over - if not more likely - than an African American person in the same shoes.

These aren't figments or people's imaginations, they're facts born out in statistics across the country.

And I could pull of a handful of statistics that point to crime rates being a hell of a lot higher in predominantly-minority communities. That's of course an incomplete caricature of the issue at hand, but I don't think it's all that different from the argument you're making. What statistics are you referring to? Genuinely curious.

I know you're trying to find a middle ground in all of this, but from my perspective it's a false one that doesn't do anyone any good.

That's fine - all I wanted to do was open the discussion. Thanks for the even-keeled response.

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