Former opiates addicts- how did you get out of it?

Well, to be clear, my experience will not be yours. I was on pills, not hard street drugs. I’m sure the withdrawal for heroin is much more intense. But yeah, for me, the intense pain and vomiting and vertigo and everything else dulled to be just barely intolerable after the first day. 2 weeks of feeling like I had the flu from hell, but I was able to push through. After that it was mainly just psychological cravings.

No matter what, keep telling yourself that giving in will make all your hardship, your suffering, your effort pointless. I know how good that hit looks. Fuck that shit, you fought like a beast to get this far and that fucking shit is done having power over you. You made the choice to quit. You are choosing to fight the battle for your life, and you aren’t about to give up just as it gets tough.

As cheesy as this sounds, shonen anime helped with inspiration for me. Like DBZ, the characters pushing beyond their limits, not giving up even though the enemy seems unbeatable.

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