Former protestants, what made you comfortable with praying to Mary and/or the saints?

TIL: Some Orthodox Jews, especially Hasidic Jews, invoke to the righteous dead and ask them to pray to God on their behalf. The Jewish Talmud says:

It is also stated with regard to the spies: “And they went up into the south, and he came to Hebron” (Numbers 13:22). Why is the phrase “and he came” written in the singular form? The verse should have said: And they came. Rava says: This teaches that Caleb separated himself from the counsel of the other spies and went and prostrated himself on the graves of the forefathers in Hebron. He said to them: My forefathers, pray for mercy for me so that I will be saved from the counsel of the spies.

even includes the prayer that Caleb made when went to Hebron

/r/Catholicism Thread