Former reporter Kim Yong Ho intends to expose Seo Jang Hoon's personal life

Yes you didn't mention anyone but you clearly implied that anyone with good connection could be a potential creep.

Yes anyone can be a potential creep,could be a normal citizens,but there 2 different choice of connection(1 using it for his own gain & the other being for other purposes[spying/taking info out of someone]).

1st point,anyone can be a creep,with/without connection,anyone can be a creep.Anyone could be a creep but trying to say that 'anyone with connection could be a creep'.

It depend on what kind of connection,be it good or bad.

These days,you need connections to get something in return,something like 'Uncle gave a job to his nephew & in return His nephew expand his uncle business'.

It depend on what kind of situation.we can't imply everything that somebody has good connection could be a potential creep.

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