As a former Star Wars fan, this hurts a bit.

/r/EmpireDidNothingWrong lol

If it's any consolation, even he said the last movie was awful and made no sense. .. i'm not sure which one was the last one though. JJ abrahms made that one good movie then the disney machine took full control and decided to follow the current trends of social justice warriors and 7 sequels for every movie by politicizing the shit out of a an awful script that made n sense (which kinda makes you wonder about his comments) and they were so eager to start making spin-offs they cast some random guy int a han solo origin story who had to take acting lessons on set because he very literally did not know how and was not naturally good at it ether lol. people were shocked when the reviews talked about how horrible it was..i didn't actually bother to watch it.. but all i could think of was "really? are you really that supprised that Solo: A A Star Wars Story" starring a random guy who didn't know how to act wasn't very good? lol

the entire franchise has been murdered and is dead to me. (the first remake was legit good too, which i credit jj Abrahams with more than anything. it all had so much potential. .. and very suddenly one of my favorite movie franchses...going all the way back to my childhood... and nerds weren't cool lol.. has turned into me saying "shut up mark hammill no one gives a shit about you or what you have to say"

i used to love star wars. and disney.

that pirates of the carribean ride was awesome when i was a kid. i heard they recently removed the part of the ride where the anamatronic drunken pirates are chasing the anamatronic beer wenches around in circles outside of a 16th century pirate bar on port royal because after 40+ years they suddenly decided it was offensive to women lol

fun fact: curious why disney has become more and more evil in recent years after steve jobs died (the majority holder)?

exhibit A:

exhibit B:

I'm not sayng Jobs was a great guy. i'm just saying...compared to these two, he should be nominated for sainthood. also jobs' main influence at disney was creating entertainment that would earn money. And when he died, his influence died with him.

New investors who with different kinds of influence stepped in....

At a certain point you already have all the money there is to have, and your currency becomes power.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -