Former Trump Adviser Admits To Seeking 'Dirt' On Clinton From Russians, Lying To FBI

Maybe you just weren't aware.

In case you weren't aware.

Analysis of leaked files

Other reports on this:

With the most recent article of implicating Russians disseminating the information saying:

The new evidence apparently shows that Russia gave damaging information about Hillary Clinton from the DNC hack to WikiLeaks through a third party.

Basically, no direct link. Only that Russia is implicated in performing of the hacks relating to Clinton e-mails.

We are also still getting more e-mails released. Another from CNN.

THEY LITERALLY HAD A MEETING. KUSHNER, TRUMP JR, MANAFORT. So they secretly met and repeatedly lied about these meetings but no collusion.

Doesn't mean they exchange information or that there was collusion. Was quite apparent they came up empty handed.

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