Formula 1 driver Jackie Stewart wearing An early helmet camera in 1966.

First person video became an obsession in the 1960s. People were strapping cameras so their heads and attempting all sorts of daily tasks to try and sell the footage to network channels.

Video cameras were quite cumbersome obviously, so many professions were not compatible with the new trend. NASA even famously tried to outfit its astronauts with helmet cams on Apollo 11 with a signed deal with NBC rumored to be worth millions for exclusive broadcast rights upon the astronauts return.

Ultimately the astronaut cam couldn’t be launched due to weight restrictions so NASA faked the moon landing to try to cash in on their deal. The footage from the astronaut cam unfortunately caught interns eating donuts. While the idea of claiming the moon had both dorky 20 year olds and donuts was tempting, they just manned up and went to the real moon without cameras and cancelled their nbc contract.

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