Fort McMurray father and son recovering after waking from month-long comas due to COVID-19

So glad that both men pulled through and are on the mend..that would have been such a tough experience for the families to go through ..... .to all of the people bringing up there weight , shame on you. I mean, these guys were in a coma for months and barely even one person has said " Glad they pulled through" or shown any compassion at all..... When I was a girl I was walking with my dad (who has always struggled with weight ) and these ass holes drove by and called him "piece of shit fat ass" or something along those lines. That hurt him greatly . Everyone commenting on the men in the article saying things about how obese the men in the article are , what did they expect etc are no different than the people my dad has been subjected to his entire life. Also, not every person who is overweight eats junk food. That is such an ignorant thing to assume. There is such thing as food addiction (to all sorts of food- if you have compassion for other addicts maybe try spreading that to those who struggle in this area.) as well as thyroid issues (where one nay struggle to lose weight no matter how hard they try. ) this can run in families.

The article with the 2 men who survived Covid had nothing to do with there weight and there was no need to bring that up .. I get freedom of speech and voicing if one's opinions , but really? I cannot wait until "fat shaming" is no longer socially acceptable.

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