Fortnite In-Game event: ASTRONOMICAL Featuring Travis Scott | Megathread

Alright I think this event sucks so far and it hasn’t even started

First of all there are trolls everywhere. If this was like season 3 or something this would slide easily, but this game is filled with toxic annoying sweats that want to ruin people’s days. This is why letting people kill each other is a bad idea. And guess what? They enabled guns. So while you are just waiting for the event to start, other people are trying their hardest to kill you, unless you are those assholes

Next is the storm. It doesn’t even stay on the stage, WTF?

I can’t even hide, some dude came to my hiding spot and destroyed it for mats. Like damn wtf. Then I found another one, but it was too late, a sweat had seen me, and sniped me out of my hiding spot

All of this could’ve been prevented if they just disabled guns. Please epic, disable them. Is it that hard?

/r/FortNiteBR Thread