Fortnite revenue drops 38% year-on-year from 2018

This is completely different imo. In MOBAs each side is completely even from the get go, and you can choose exactly how much pressure to try and exert on your opponent, or how to utilise the relief they are granting you that you.

Basically, I have no influence over what is happening on the other side of the map. In a MOBA, you can choose to pressure the farming AM so he doesn't get a battlefury. I can't make this decision to contest loot in part of the map I'm not in.

The whole process of starting from scratch each round and trying to make more efficient decisions than your enemy is part of the game.

MOBAs feel more like a Chess match where each side is even and you are squeezing advantages out of your position from the first second.

Battle Royales

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