Fortnite STW is Now Completely Ruined After the 4.5 Patch

Honestly, nothing in this game is meant to be rare or special. Being one of the people who played way back in the day and got stuff from events like fortnitemares is gonna go away soon too. Events bring back their old items instead of new sets so even if you were there and got some cool loot everyone else can get it later. Anniversary llamas will contain stuff from all the events it seems so everything will be quite common. I dont get attached to my weapons or heroes anymore as nothing holds value or some type of uniqueness. Theres no weapon that shows you were there back in the day when nobody would give the game a chance.

Theres alot of casual players or people who only got into the game because of the craze or just happened to get the game recently who will want the old items even though they didnt play during that time and that is a bigger crowd. Alot of games do this now though. No "you had to be there" unique stuff. Everyones the same, everythings easy to get. Pl70 7 day survival gave a emblem........ i forgot what event it was but the endgame content gave the hydra and then people cried and they gave it away for free basically since it was a event quest reward the next time around. I like good gear being behind harder content. The last destiny dlc had god tier weapons in its protocol event that was pretty hard. It gave a chase, you wanted to get it. Felt rewarding.

Yeah i know you can say special snowflake and whatnot but having cool items and things that are difficult to get is... well, cool. Plus i never thought of things to be so appealing when they were like: (skip to 3:15)

I just use whatever is good. I have stuff like the gravedigger and skull trooper but i rarely use my gravedigger and never even leveled my skulltrooper past 20. Wont matter, once anniversary comes out itll be just another UaH anyway (it technically already is but its just cool because its rare, which is the whole appeal to it). So just use whatever you want man. MGR is good but there are plenty of good soldiers.

/r/FORTnITE Thread