Forty US lawmakers to do pilgrimage to Israel next month in order to renew their vows of allegiance and subservience.

sorry to PM you, I know that's weird coming from a stranger, I just wanted to say I like your posts. I've lurked here for a while and read a lot of your stuff, both the articles you submit and your comments.

it seems like every Israeli in this sub is smarter than me, so it's nice to have one in here that at least seems to agree with the things I believe most of the time.

anyway, you seem very sincere and intelligent, I just wanted you to know that I respect what you're trying to do. when I was a kid growing up in America, I was very proud of my country. I believe it all, without question. some of those things I still very much believe in today, others I have trouble with.

I don't want to get into some deep thing here, I just wanted to say that for the record I think Israelis deserve their own country, and if something doesn't change soon in the administration, it is going to be difficult for them to maintain the sovereignty of that nation. at least, in my half-informed opinion, that seems to be the way that things are shaping up.

America is in trouble too. maybe not the same way that Israel may be in trouble in the near future, but what I loved about it is changing, and if it goes much further down this road, I'm not sure it will ever change back.

the idea gets kicked around a lot for political purposes, but I honestly believe that Americans and Israelis do have a lot in common, and when I see you in this sub trying to get your message across to other people, it reminds me of a Jewish me trying to get people to listen to my point of view. I know that sounds incredibly juvenile and silly, but I just wanted to reach out and say that I really respect what you're doing and hope you keep doing it. you're a very smart guy, you never seem to lose your cool, and honestly, with all the flaming and nutjobbery that sometimes goes on in this sub, it seems to me like you're one of the few that is actually doing some "good", if I can use that word in that way without coming off as too much of a pompous ass.

anyway man, I'm sorry again for the PM. you replied to my comment saying your government was the same, and it just seemed like a good opportunity to say this thing that I've been thinking about for a while. I probably should have just said it in the thread, but I was afraid I'd start some shit-show with it. I'm terrible at keeping my cool in this place, I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but these people get my goat every now and then.

so yea, sorry for the novel, just wanted to say good job and keep it up. I know how frustrating it is for me to try to talk to people about what I believe in, and I know how good it can feel to have someone tell you they appreciate it. so, for what it's worth, I really enjoy your participation in this sub. worldpolitics is cathartic for me in a lot of ways, and you're one of the better contributors here, in my opinion

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