Found 2 Gnomes with similar names. I am sorry I asked.

This could have all been avoided if Gnome B indicated to Gnome A that Gnome B was romantically interested in Gnome A.

Thankyou. Steps to not have this issue:

  1. Tell a girl if you're interested.
  2. Listen if they say no. (No means no, maybe means no, constantly dodging the question means no. Pretty much anything but a very clear yes means no. If you aren't sure that they're interested after expressing interest, it means no.)
  3. Figure out if you're OK with actually being friends. Like.. real friends, not "I'll wait and see if you drop your guard while pretending I'm your friend". Don't be that a creepy predator hiding as a friend.
  4. Move the fuck on, enjoy having female friends. They're awesome, give great dating advice, and introduce you to their single friends.

Now if I could go back to when I was 14 and smack myself over the head with a very large book that has this printed inside 1000 times I would, but such is life!

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