Have you found that dating immigrant women and 2nd gen women of other races is easier than dating non-immigrant women of other races?

Comparing dating with crypto is flawed IMO. One is highly speculative, uncertain and has no intrinsic value. Dating is more similar to commodities where you know what you’ll get and there’s no surprises. It’s not like black wines suddenly appeared out of nowhere and no one knows what they’ll be like in 2 years.

My view is that black women in general are slightly less physically attractive to men, just as Asian males in general are physically slightly less attractive for women. However, as a man you have much more control over what makes you attractive compared compared to women, which still leaves us at a better place. I personally haven’t found black women as physically attractive as others, but this could also be influenced by there being few BW where I live (Scandinavia).

Didn’t get last family part tbh.

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread Parent