I found JoshStrifeHayes' deleted reddit account posts and i'm not sure what to think

As you've probably already surmised, here is not the best place for this revelation. I get it: he's an MMO-centered creator. But this sub absolutely reveres him (see the recent post on "who's your favorite MMO youtuber," JSH is, no exaggeration, like half the answers.)

Personally JSH is one of my favorite YTers as well, but I am seemingly better able to separate my adoration from my reasoning than most here, and therefore I do find some of this problematic.

You may be better served putting linking your screenshot in a tweet @ Josh and also @ individuals or organizations (media, content creators, etc.) who are known to hold people accountable for this sort of stuff, and, ideally, are involved in the MMO universe (not sure who that could be off the top of my head.)

/r/MMORPG Thread