I found a list my husband (m38) is making of things I do wrong or he doesn’t like about me (f35)

Thanks everyone for your input so far! I’m getting ready for work so will try to skim and answer questions so there’s a better picture of the situation.

Clearly first thing in the morning before work isn’t the best time to bring it up if I do. It’s crazy hard acting normal because the more I think on it the more I’m sure it’s a divorce list. He’s always recommended me to make lists for evidence purposes.

He has absolutely no memory issues. One of the things we always fights about is that he will remember something he or I said and I will remember it differently. But no matter what, he says that I have a horrible memory (yes, one of the things on the list) and he has a photographic memory so it happened the way he said. One of our biggest recurring arguments.

And these things on the list aren’t new to me. He’s mentioned things on here as issues many times and asked me to fix them.

/r/relationships Thread