Found my cure for trich!!!! (a new shampoo)

Hi! I’m also 35 and I’ve been pulling my hair out since I was 9 years old too. It’s been almost 2 years and I was able to stop, even tho sometimes I find myself going to touch my hair sometimes and running my fingers over them, looking for that perfect hair. For me it took getting my hair cut short for it to really help and I had to stop looking at my hair in the mirror, because I now tend to pick out my greys and that’s my biggest trigger. It’s not easy and some days I find myself almost going back to doing it, but I know once I start it’s impossible to stop. Just don’t be too hard on yourself. For me not looking at my hair in the mirror really has helped and also telling myself I’m proud of myself has also helped a lot. I just want you to know that maybe there is hope for you too. You just have to try to break the triggers that can really be the motivating force behind it. It’s just a habit and you can break it. Cutting my hair short really helped and just being aware of the triggers has done wonders for me. I hope this helps you to stay motivated that one day you also can be like me. It’s not easy but you can change, just don’t be too hard on yourself and stay positive. I do recommend cutting your hair short at first and trying to not touch your head or wear a hat. If I can do it after this many years I know there’s hope for others too.

/r/trichotillomania Thread