Found on a Quora thread. The level of cognitive dissonance is... sad to say the least.

Literally all of the elderly people I've worked with are not as good at their job as they think they are.

It's nothing against them, they just aren't as fast physically or mentally as the rest of the workforce, but they take the fact that enployers keep them around to reinforce the hierarchy of "seniority" as proof they're good at they're jobs.

If you work in an office and you cannot troubleshoot your own computer you are not keeping up pace with the modern workforce, if people need to yell for you to hear them on the phone you are not keeping up pace with the workforce. You should be at home watching your grandchildren at most, we should not be having to install escalator chairs in the stairwells so you can get to your office.

/r/antiwork Thread Link -