found on /r/dankmemes

I agree. This thread is an ideologue's circle jerk. Anyone who disagrees with them is clearly an ignorant bigot, and the idea that maybe they've taken tolerance too far is absurd. They refuse to acknowledge they've fucked a lot of people up, mostly teenagers, with their stupid ideologies. Instead they peddle the idea that everyone else (who for the most part doesn't care one way or another) was keeping them closeted with their bigotry.

Hate to break it to the crowd, but being gay and joining they gay culture cult are two entirely different things. Hell, I used to be with y'all on the whole tolerance thing because it doesn't make sense to judge people or petty crap, but then you converted one of my friends and then a little bit down the road you also converted my best friend. Not everything is about the world persecuting you, and the vast majority of you have never known persecution. If you're gonna be gay, be gay. If you're not quite gay, not quite straight, not quite bi, not quite what the fuck ever just be what you are and don't bother labeling it. Then just be – don't make a big deal out it.

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