I found out that I am not a sucessful wage slave.

Not sure what your skillset is given that a lot of jobs take place in an office of some kind, but yeah the politics and toxicity are a trade off.

Ideally you find an office job that compensates enough for these tradeoff, like my office has a corporate gym, health clinic/pharmacy, and cafeteria. They pay for my smartphone. I have a new lamptop every 3 years and I can buy the old one for personal use (we use the new ones for personal use as well most of the time).

That's a lot of pros to keep me from flying off the handlebar at someone.

And just so you don't think that its all pucker, my buddy told our boss to go fuck himself to his face multiple times and then got moved to a different region. Management is weak and didn't reprimand because he was right about everything and did his job better than most.

Otherwise I would say go be a bartender and listen to us bitch after work, then shake your head and take your above average compensation for the basic hourly worker and enjoy not being in the corporate game anymore.

/r/howtonotgiveafuck Thread