Found a real nice one tonight (bit of context in the comments)

Oh I agree - I've had my share of things to cope with (which I won't go into detail about because I don't let them define me) and I'm probably quite a bit older than you. I know that humour is important to survive, but see, you're under a fatal misapprehension there: what you're doing in all your screenshots that you posted - making jokes on other people's behalf to get approval from minions like /u/Ceffyr and feel better about yourself - isn't humour. It's abuse.

I dont know your story and it isn't my place to ask, but whoever told you that "they're just having a bit of fun" when they treated you like that and that you "should grow some balls" and probably "learn to take a joke" were abusing and gaslighting you. This isn't how people should be treated. Not the people in your screenshots, not you either.

I'm not talking about myself here, you can call me all you want, but please don't go out into the world and try and get relief from treating other people badly. Join a boxing class to release that tension, take up gardening, or whatever works best for you. Life is more bearable without all that bitterness, trust me.

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