Four days ago in Williamsport PA

To go ahead and refute the common misconceptions 1. Trump didn’t rent to the black people because they couldn’t afford it. Their welfare status is what made them unable to get his apartments. 2. he did condemn the white supremacists at Charlottesville. Please watch the full video. 3. he was talking about MS13 when he said Mexico wasn’t sending their best. I’ll take it one further though and say that all undocumented immigrants are 100 percent criminals. 4. the travel ban was on countries, not a race. 5. he called the rioters thugs, you’re the one that immediately took it to black people.

Prove me wrong. Oh wait..... Let’s also talk about record low black unemployment. Let’s talk about record funding to predominantly black colleges. Prison reform.

Some other good things trump has done just in case you haven’t seen it Made it so trans people have to be treated as the gender they were born, which is 100 percent medically safer. Made it a felony do abuse animals. Appointed the first woman director of the CIA. Tax breaks. Started repairing the barrier in between Mexico and the US. Is currently trying to pull our troops out of Afghanistan. And much much more.

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