Fr. Barron on Atheism and Philosophy

Fr. Robert Barron's video refers to the following:

Surprisingly, Fr. Barron is not convinced by Messerly's argument. Here are his points (I'll flesh this out later):

  • Atheists don't realize that God exists outside of any testable reality.
  • Philosophers who specialize in the Philosophy of Religion are more likely to
  • If an atheist gets chairmanship of a philosophy department, only atheists will get tenure, publish papers, etc.
  • Philosophy, like literature and poetry, doesn't improve over time like science:
    • Robert Frost wasn't better than Dante or Homer.
    • Modern playwrights aren't better than Shakespeare.
    • Michel Foucault wasn't better than Kant, Hegel, Aristotle or Plato.
    • Therefore, earlier philosophers were probably better than current philosophers.
    • Earlier philosophers were predominantly theists, God exists.

Apparently (to paraphrase Barry Goldwater), intellectual dishonesty in defense of theism is no vice.

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