France calls UK a 'junior partner' in submarine deal as Germany warns it threatens Western unity

We're angry, and not just the government, but the people I can tell you. And we don't even care about the military deal.

Being insulted and criticized as cheese eating surreder monkeys, cowards, losers over and over for years through english speaking media is one thing. Playing dirty to ensure we lose a billion dollars deal (for the second time around) is another, and again, we actually don't give a shit about those deals. Dicking around, to make us look bad, smirking all the way and then playing dumb when they've made a point to humiliate us is another.

I, as a frenchman, am tired of these assholes. They don't play fair, they don't play nice, they're fucking cunts. And I can't wait to vote for someone who will assure me we will never, ever have anything to do with this fucking asshole squad ever again.

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