France warns citizens to be cautious as anger seethes in Muslim world over cartoons

Hey I’m a Muslim, a practicing one, and I never murdered or harmed anyone, and if you people want to insult our Prophet Muhammad, that’s very offensive but actually our religion teaches us to not retaliate. I could quote dozens of verses from our scripture teaching this.

However, I hate France, they murdered millions in the name of colonialism. And to this day collect blood money from their former colonies, it seems that white people in Europe magnify the mistakes that Muslims make while acting like their shit doesn’t stink.

Racist colonialism roots France has, and although I’m sad people are being killed, especially a teacher, don’t act like France is a morally upright country.

And before you say anything, Remember, millions of North Africans were murdered by the French and they never said sorry. So why should anyone care about France.

Maybe if they didn’t impoverish generations of people by committing genocides then people wouldn’t want to emigrate.

To be clear, the killer of that teacher would receive the death penalty in the Islamic religion, as you can’t be upset and non Muslims engaging in this type of behavior. And the Prophet was insulted and abused many times in his life more than a cartoon that looks nothing like him, yet he never sought personal retribution.

Tl;dr : France is a colonialist murderer that never even admitted its crimes.


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