Francis Ford Coppola: 'Apocalypse Now is not an anti-war film'

13 reasons why is a perfect example of this. It preaches itself to be anti suicide and shit but all it does it glorifies and condones suicide (look at the people who actually killed themselves after watching the show)

Now that said, any depiction of violence in one way or another is supporting it, any display of action glorifies it. No matter how you might might make a statement on violence by showing the Driver from Drive brutally murders people, how the Iron Giant says guns are bad while blasting away military soldiers, how bad racism is by showing Edward Norton giving that speech in American History X, someone is going to watch that and still take away what THEY want to take away. They don’t care if your character has that moment of realization and changes their ways, what matter is that people don’t care. All they care about is how “cool” it looks.

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