A frank discussion about this subreddit's handling of Fallout 76

No advanced review copies, no NDA means rolling reviews - every outlet published reviews as they were done without any deadline. I did create a review thread 4 days ago, once we got a general idea on how the game's going to shape up. I kept it updated, but, obviously it slipped away from the front page due to the nature of reddit and the popularity of the sub. But it doesn't matter. Review thread's aren't really good for rolling reviews because you either create it too early (like I have) or create it after everyone has already submitted all the reviews... and at that point it's basically just redundant and adds to the spam.

You are misplacing the blame. The subreddit is functioning as intended. Hell, it's not even a problem with Bethesda, because I wouldn't want journalists to review the game in a controlled environment where the server load is much lower. It's just the nature of the game.

Hopefully this will spark some positive conversation. If not, I might have to find a better alternative for gaming conversations and news.

Good luck trying to find an outlet that isn't currently talking about how disastrous Fallout 76 is.

/r/Games Thread