Frank Rizzo statue has been tagged with "black power" spray paint

At one point before the Black Panther Raids and having the shit kicked out of school kids and so on. That poll is from 1967. Before he went ape shit with power and before he was mayor.

The results were brutal, with dozens of students beaten in what observers described as a police riot. "A cop chased two black girls right outside of the window of the administration building where we were looking out," the school district's then-public relations manager remembered years later, "and just proceeded to beat the crap out of them with a nightstick." These incidents solidified Rizzo's reputation, along with a 1970 raid against the Black Panther offices that ended with the men being strip-searched before newspaper photographers. In 1967, his approval rating stood at 84 percent, suggesting both blacks and whites were OK with him; after the showdown at the school, letters to the Philadelphia Inquirer were two to one in favor of Rizzo, while letters to the African-American paper, the Tribune, were three to one against. Still, his popularity among white voters secured the police department plenty of resources: The number of city cops went from 7,000 to 9,000 during his commissionership and the budget jumped from $60 million to $100 million.

Don't cherry pick your facts to fit your narrative. He was wildly unpopular among the city's black population when he was Commissioner and Mayor.

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