Fred Rogers broke racial barriers during a time when black people were not allowed in the swimming pool with white people.

I’m gay and I’m tired of hearing retrospective views about life during my adolescence or in the years prior to the 70s, when I was born. People yelling “Why didn’t everyone just come out?!?!?!” Have absolutely no idea how complicated and dangerous it was. Loss of career, loss of status, family rejection, public vilification....people need to stop imposing their worldview onto people who lived 30,40,50,60,100 years ago. The situations we take for granted today were difficult even a decade ago, let alone in the 1960s. Jesus, the people running the world in the 1960s were mostly born in the 1910s I’d not earlier. The past doesn’t have to fit modern expectations.

In other words, people need to have a little bit of sympathy for how fking hard life was in the past. And stop taking everything for granted.

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