Free book vending machines installed in low-income areas in an attempt to get books into homes.

It's true, though. Many hard working people literally don't have the time or place to read. Sitting around in poor lighting on an uncomfortable chair while hungry and exhausted makes it really hard to read, especially when you have the choice between getting an extra hour closer to a full nights rest or trying to make time for reading.

Wealthy people can make time, they can drive down to the library quicker and cheaper than it would be to bus or bike, they can read in the comfort of their own home in their own room with thick walls to keep out noise and distraction. Poor people tend to have an absolutely shitty environment for reading in, pretty much everything in their lives is an obstacle that seems to be dead set on preventing them from indulging in literature. Surrounded by loud, stupid, angry, hungry, violent, judgmental, addled, and generally unpleasant people who will ridicule you for lazying about with your nose in a book and being antisocial. Rich people can just sit on the sofa all day in a quiet, well-lit, room temperate environment and read.

Poor people have to worry about electricity. If the AC is too low or the heating too high, the bill will be high and you will be beaten for it whether it was your fault or not. If a light was left on, you will be given a miniature heart attack when somebody bursts into the room in a seething rage and gives you an hour long lecture about how you're a selfish little shit and you're going to put the whole family on the streets, regardless of whether the light being on was your fault. Then they'll be back in twenty minutes to flip out about something else. Good luck doing anything productive after that. Rich people have lots of time, plenty of opportunity to pursue a hobby, and few worries, while poor people are consumed by stress, fatigue, hunger, discomfort, and paranoia and are extremely lucky if they can find the opportunity to focus on a book for any length of time.

I've never believed in charity. I've known endless scores of people desperate for help, and help never came. You hear stories of what happens with some percentage of the money. And you have these feel-good types who give a little to others and a lot of pats on the back to themselves.

We need a society with less people, more automation, less jobs, free healthcare, and basic income, so we can finally shed the primeval struggle for food, health, and shelter that has followed our species since time immemorial and allow people the opportunity to actually live their lives, find their purpose, contribute to and leave their mark on society in an actually meaningful way, and better their lives.

Some people have this fear that if everyone is guaranteed a humane existence, everyone will sit on their luxury couches in their underwear with 8000 calories of snacks binging Netflix in 1080p on their HDTV all day. The reality is that quite a few of them will get bored of being a useless brain-dead sack of shit and they won't be able to buy very many luxury items because they're living on basic income.

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