[free] CORE: Once a cult, now a group aimed at collective and individual improvement through erotic hypnosis and a supportive community.

After reading a bit more about CORE, I'm... skeptical.

First of all, CORE has a "QUEEN", which makes it a hierarchical organization. In the first file that new members of CORE are expected to listen to, it basically tells them that the deepest command in their subconscious should be "CORE Control is absolute." So we have a hierarchy that programs people to obey without free will. There is no way to have that structure without being wide open to abuse.

Also, two of the goals "Hostforms" are tasked with are to "Spread Propaganda" and "Find New Information Recipients (“Subjects”)". Minor complaint, but nobody likes ideologies that do this. Memes should spread because they're inherently valuable. Not because people are being hypnotized to spread them.

From reading the CORE Guide, I notice that it uses a lot of disconcertingly vague language, and towards the end it turns into a very long metaphor about bees, I think? In any case, it's mostly incoherent. That in itself is worrying.

Of course I don't really know what I'm talking about. Just what I've been able to figure out from reading all of this for the past 10 minutes or so. But I'm definitely concerned, and very confused.

/r/EroticHypnosis Thread