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Hey buddy, I'm an Actual Software Developer. It always makes me laugh when you kids here on reddit make asinine requests that basically can be summed up with "hey valve just wave your magic wand to fix this."

Rarely is it that simple. For example, an out of date tooltip after a balance patch is no easy fix. It's not as simple as just changing a text value. Those letters and numbers you see on the screen probably have 50 different dependencies, and if you for example change the constant string variable of a cooldown in there, you could potentially crash all servers globally.

Listen, I know some of you say, " Valve could literally hire an intern for a week to fix tooltips after a balance patch." Well, no. Even an H1B visa hire would be so far out of the cost limitations of small startup like valve, it could bankrupt the entire company overnight. Not to mention, they probably wouldn't even get those fixes done in time for the next balance patch 5 months later.

Ignorance i see on here just astounds me.

/r/DotA2 Thread Link -