Free Speech Friday

In considering the impact of pooping at work, it is best to take the long view.

As we all know, each year has 52 weeks but once you take off vacation (3 weeks/15 days), sick time (1 week/5 days), and stat holidays (approx 2 weeks/10 days) you are left with 46 weeks of work (230 days) in a year. These are all estimated averages - your situation may vary (eg: early in my career, I had no paid vacation, now I have 30 days per year).

If you spend 10 minutes in dropping the deuce, that is 50 minutes a week for a total of 2300 minutes each year - more than 38 hours. For your average white collar and administrative job, that is one week of paid mini-vacations!

Extend that over a career that lasts from age of 23 to 65, we are looking at 42 weeks of paid time off. To put it in context, we have already established that a full year is 46 weeks; with a bit of creativity, I'm sure you can extend it to a full year of solitary sabbatical between now and when you retire.

The importance of planning the small things cannot be overstated.

/r/CanadaPolitics Thread