Free Talk Friday - 09/03/18

I’m one of those people that by day I wonder why people can be depressed and unhappy. I mean, what’s there to be sad about? I earn enough money to make me happy, I have a good job and Good mates.

But recently I’ve been more depressed than anything, I want to be in a relationship more than anything to a bird I’m physically attracted too. But I know that’ll never happen, I’m not a good looking lad, and no matter what people tell me, I like the birds good looking lads get.

I’m stuggling to realise the point of living by accepting less than what I want in life. Why settle for anything? What’s the point? I need some advice from the local lads, the scouse lads that aren’t good looking, or are the introvert nerd. Hit me up, I’m stuggling now.

/r/LiverpoolFC Thread