Free Talk Friday - January 27th

I try to abuse his W by taking Fervor, AS quints, and rushing Tiamat. Tiamat with all 4 W procs gives him great wave clear and allows him to roam mid or invade jungle with R between waves. After tiamat I'd finish a black cleaver, then titanic hydra, then itemize defensively vs their team comp. I try to make sure there's HP on every item I complete -- dead man's plate, steraks gage, etc. Having a lot of HP makes Skarrl more effective, and keeps you alive longer to remount. Outside of stuff like Maw, Bloodthirster or Deaths Dance, I wouldn't try building any purely offensive items because you want to abuse his survivability from remounting. You'll never live long enough to get Skarrl back if you just build damage items. Sometimes I finish my boots earlier on Kled compared to other top laners if I can make good use of Mercury Treds or Ninja Tabis resistance + passive, plus it helps you move faster while dismounted -- because without Skarrl, Kled is VERY slow. If those boots don't fit your matchup, just finish Boots of Swiftness later on after 1-2 items. Most important thing to remember about Kled is when you're spamming taunt in lane, taunt slow enough that you don't cut off Skarrl's full screech soundbite. And always bind your mastery emote to an easily accessible keybind so you can layer both emotes on one another.

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